Monday, November 30, 2009

Falls City High School Senior Project

My name is Jackson Basey. I am a senior at Falls City High School and I've created this blog to raise funds for my school. All the students at Falls City High School must participate in a senior project before they can graduate. The senior projects are meant to build community and hone personal skills.

Over the past three years I have worked for for various members of the community and in other parts of the state doing construction projects. Up until now, I've only been a team member on these types of projects. My goal for the senior project is to design, plan, and build a 70' sidewalk for the school entrance.

This walkway will cover the west side of the school lawn and lead to the main entrance. Currently, this pathway is simply a dirt trail that frequently becomes a muddy mess. This is an eyesore and affects the appearance of the school. It is also a trial for the custodial staff, who constantly have to deal with mud being tracked into the school.

I have contacted a community member, retiree Ron Johnson, who has 30 years of experience in construction and concrete work, to advise me on the project. I will also be working with Jon Gilbert, the Falls City High School Facilities Manager, who oversees all the maintenance and upkeep on the school grounds.

The state requires certain criteria for the project to be completed. The width and depth of the sidewalk must meet ADA (American Disability Act) guidelines. The sidewalk must be a six feet wide by six inches deep.

Budget requirement for FCHS Sidewalk Project: $1000 dollars


Fill Dirt

Local community members have graciously offered the use of tools and equipment for the project. I will work along side my advisers and other community volunteers to create and perfect this walkway. The school requires that the project be done before March 31st, 2010.

My goal is to raise 1000 dollars to purchase the supplies for the project by February 28th, 2010. I would appreciate donations of any size. You can click the Paypal link in the sidebar to donate to the project. Pictures and project updates will follow. Help your local community and support my Falls City High School Sidewalk Project!