Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Febuary 24th

Last night I had a meeting with the school board to make sure I would be allowed to do my senior project. It was basically a mini senior project speech and I aced it no problem. So no I can go full bore on my project!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Febuary 19

Robert Wienecke, Lena Gordon, Joseph Selkey, Jem Jam, Tim Cooper, troy Greenberg are on this week’s top list for thank you’s. Every person has donated their fair share and I appreciate everything everyone has done. A special thank you to Robert Wienecke and My wonderful sister Erin Cooper. Robert Wienecke donated 75 dollars!!!!!!!!! Avery huge thanks to you. I now have 160 dollars left to raise and it would be much appreciated if everyone would help me close the gap. I would be very appreciative. Thank you all so much.

I am going to be going to talk to the school board on Febuary 23rd, wish me luck everyone your support is very appreciated.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18th

Yesterday I went fund raising and I received $50 in donations. I also made $80 from donated cans and bottles. I am now up to $691 which means I am about 70% of the way to my goal of $1000. Thank you all so much! Also if anyone reading this post has soda cans, beer cans or beer bottles that you would like to donate to the FCHS project, please let me know. You can email me at: or call me at 503-779-7277.

Also, on the 23rd of this month I am meeting with FCHS school board to present my project. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16

I just wanted everyone to know, if you have cans to get rid of you can call me at 503-779-7277. I also want you to know, that just because you've donated once, doesn't mean you can donate again! I am going fund raising tomorrow!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4

Today I went and cashed the cans that I collected and it came out to be $50. Thank you all so much and a special "Thank You" to Paula's kitchen. They set up a fund raising jar for me and I made $30 from them! I am now up to $550. Thank you all so much!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3rd

Today I went fund raising with a new idea in mind. I went fund raising as usual, but this time I also asked for cans. I received several donations tonight from many people in the community. One person in particular gave me three years worth of cans, as well as forty dollars! So a big thanks to Scott Jarmer and his wife!

I met with city council last night and they agreed to waive the fee for the building permit. Thank you so much! It is so helpful! I am now at $470 and I still have loads of cans turn in for money. Thank you all for your support. Your support really means a lot and I am glad the community is so willing to help.